
Usher AI delivers a turnkey, fully modular system for autonomous guidance of aircraft via electric vehicles. The system features routing, guidance and ICT infrastructure modules.


The routing module features the supervisory system for fleet and database management, scheduling, job assignment, traffic control and incident reporting. In addition, it features tools for layout editing, teleoperation, simulation, verification and validation. The system can interface to planning software, such as departure and arrivals managers (DMAN/AMAN).

The central guidance and routing system has developed over 30 years and proven in over 100 applications in ports, factories, entertainment and people mover environments. It can handle any type of (autonomous) vehicle, including for example tow trucks. The Usher system has a highly modular and scalable architecture, built on a next generation IoT communication framework and incorporates the latest three-dimensional technologies and cybersecurity tools.


The guidance module consists of electric, autonomous follow-me vehicles. The Usherbots navigate the routes provided by the supervisory system by means of SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping) algorithms. For position reference a combination of GPS and the lining and signage at airports is used.

The Usherbots are purpose-developed to ensure a minimal footprint when ‘parked’ near runways and gates. With a maximum speed of 70km/h (±38kts) they accommodate the current processes even at airports with runways located at a longer distance from the terminal. Usherbots feature clear visual messaging, communicating reference data to airplane pilots.

ICT infrastructure

The ICT infrastructure is customized to the requirements of each application and customer. Usher AI needs servers and wireless communication to facilitate the necessary connections to other systems, Usherbots and user interfaces. Typically, Usher AI will use the servers and communication network of the airport, implementing dedicated systems only when required.

Similarly, Usher AI’s system uses existing infrastructure for storage, maintenance and charging of vehicles. Should this not be feasible or desired, the system is designed such that the facilities required feature a minimum footprint to avoid the creation of costly assets in an environment where space is scarce.

(c) Image by svstudioart on Freepik