Push for sustainable airports

Revolutionizing airports: ARIBO AV and Usher AI Unite to push groundbreaking autonomous solutions in North America.

In a significant move towards enhancing airport sustainability, ARIBO and Usher AI are teaming up to introduce innovative autonomous solutions across North American airports. This collaboration marks a pivotal step in aviation’s journey towards a more sustainable future.

ARIBO, known for its expertise in AV strategy, integration, and deployment of autonomous systems in diverse environments, benefits from the profound knowledge and experience of its key team members, Corey and Katie Clothier. Their background in autonomous vehicles, safety, and project management plays a crucial role in this initiative. They bring valuable insights to the partnership, aiding the implementation of Usher AI’s cutting-edge autonomous follow-me vehicles at airports across North America.

Usher AI’s autonomous follow-me system, based on airport operations in Europe, guides aircraft ground movements seamlessly. This collaboration expands its reach, verifying the ability of the system and technology to meet the operational needs and characteristics of airports in other regions.

The combined expertise of Dirk Bresser and Simon Prent in aviation, airport operations, and ground movements, along with Robbert Lohmann’s proficiency in autonomous vehicles and project delivery, underpins the project’s success. Their knowledge ensures a flexible, cost-effective, and rapidly deployable alternative to traditional Follow-the-Greens systems, marking a significant advancement in airport technology.

Interested to learn more? Don’t hesitate to contact ARIBO or Usher (info@usher-ai.com). Alternatively, follow Usher on LinkedIn, link with us personally or send us a message.